
You are the only one of you, so be the best you you can be.

You are needed in this world. We were all put here for a reason.

Remember that fear itself is by far the scariest thing in this world.

Life can be hard, but you're still here, aren't you?

Animal Jam Blur- Showing You the Things You Need to Know About Animal Jam in a Blur since 2016!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Two RIMs?

Okay...  something weird and wrong is going on.  There are TWO RIMS!!!  Oh wait.  You probably saw that in the title... Sorry....
Anyway, the RIMS are the Rare Shamrock Glasses and the Rare Spring Flower Crown.
I am really sorry that I don't have any pictures.

Anyway, the answer to the question was trust trading!   This time, no one got it, but everyone was close!


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