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Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Rare" People and Mailtime video Rant

Hey Jammers!   Today, I shall rant about "rare" people.  It really just bothers me how they go into Jamaa Township and basically advertise themselves.  They are BRAGGERS!  Don't get me wrong, I really don't mind people saying, "Please trade me!" I just don't like it when people say, "Hey trade me!  I have a headdress on trade"  and when you trade them, they decline everything.  Why ask us to trade you when you decline EVERYTHING?  Just so you can showcase your items??!?!!? ARGH! 

          I will calm down and talk about mailtime videos now.   I understand that you make videos, and that people like to be in them, but BEGGING people to send you rares to be in a video.. it's just wrong.  If you want rares, work hard like the rest of us instead of begging.  On more than one occasion, I have had my "buddies" beg me for items in a Jam A Gram.  But that's not important.  Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that if you expect people to give you rares that they have worked really hard on getting, that's just sad.  THEY WORKED HARD FOR THOSE AND YOU ARE TAKING THEM AWAY FROM THESE INNOCENT JAMMERS!  AND WHAT THEY GET IN RETURN IS EVEN WORSE!  THEY GET TO BE IN A VIDEO THAT PEOPLE ARE BARELY GOING TO SEE!  AND IF THEY DO SEE, IT WILL ONLY BE ONCE!  LIKE PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE THESE INNOCENT JAMMERS FOR GIVING YOU "SPIKE COLLARS"! 
You are basically the only one benefitting from these "mailtime" videos.  It makes me sick.
Anyway, Jam On!

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