
You are the only one of you, so be the best you you can be.

You are needed in this world. We were all put here for a reason.

Remember that fear itself is by far the scariest thing in this world.

Life can be hard, but you're still here, aren't you?

Animal Jam Blur- Showing You the Things You Need to Know About Animal Jam in a Blur since 2016!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Hello jammers.
As many of you have probably noticed, AJHQ is basically a group of non-helpful robots.
I mean, when you send them a letter, all you get is like an automated response.
Once, I sent them an email concerning Mighty Squad(for anyone who doesn't know who Might Squad is, they are a hacking group), and they sent me something that was like, "Don't show anyone your password, and you won't get hacked!"
I mean, really.
I wouldn't show anyone my password anyway.
Once, this girl was in the Pillow Room wanting to get adopted.
I was looking for someone to adopt me too (I don't do this anymore because it gets annoying -_-), so I became her sister.
We went to my den, and she said that she had to go to the hospital in real life.
Then, her "sister" came on.
She said that the girl that was on before was in the hospital because she was "dying of cancer". 
She proceeded to ask me for my password because her "sister" would be happy to play on a member account.
Are you ready for the most ridiculous part?
 I don't think you are.
I said no, and she threw a total fit. 
She said her sister died because of me.
I highly doubt that you would be on your computer, playing Animal Jam, when your sister was in the hospital.
Would YOU?!?!?!
Do you think that this girl was lying.....
Okay anyway...
Back to AJHQ.
I can't stand it.


  1. I agree aurora I think AJ should do something when they get these reports. This sounds like a horrid scam. I'm glad you didn't give her your password. Of course she probably doesn't even have a. "Sister."
    Thanks for keeping us informed!

  2. I am glad that you agree. I would NEVER give my password to someone that I don't know.


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