
You are the only one of you, so be the best you you can be.

You are needed in this world. We were all put here for a reason.

Remember that fear itself is by far the scariest thing in this world.

Life can be hard, but you're still here, aren't you?

Animal Jam Blur- Showing You the Things You Need to Know About Animal Jam in a Blur since 2016!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Question time!

Hey jammers. 
I am really sorry to say this, but I am kind of losing interest in Animal Jam.
I might play Fantage or something instead...
But, anyway, that's not until my membership on AJ runs out.
Until then, I will be posting again. :)
I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting, by the way.
Okay, enough about me.
Here's your question.
What is your favorite Animal Jam game?
Mine's Falling Phantoms.


HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Roleplayers Rant

Okay, jammers!  Here is your promised rant.
So, roleplayers.  Yes, I know, it's fun. 
The only thing I beg of you is this.
Please, stop attacking each other >:(

I mean, Animal Jam is a game for kids.
What would you think if you were 5 and went into Serapia Forest, and saw people saying, "RIPS HEAD OFF NN"? 
I would cry tbh.
I wouldn't want to see that.
Like I said before, yes, it is fun.
But, if you want to roleplay, you can do it in a den or something!
I know Serapia Forest is a nice place to roleplay, but people go there a lot.
Also, if others don't wanna roleplay, let it go.
I know nothing about Warrior Cats...
except the name lol

I know that this may seem offensive, but if you really want to roleplay, aren't there games for that?
That AREN'T Animal Jam?

I'm sorry if this post seemed offensive, but it's for your own good.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Two RIMs?

Okay...  something weird and wrong is going on.  There are TWO RIMS!!!  Oh wait.  You probably saw that in the title... Sorry....
Anyway, the RIMS are the Rare Shamrock Glasses and the Rare Spring Flower Crown.
I am really sorry that I don't have any pictures.

Anyway, the answer to the question was trust trading!   This time, no one got it, but everyone was close!


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Question

Okay everyone!  Here is the daily question for you.  What is this kind of scamming called?
"Trade me a headdress for my necklace!  I will decline!"

If you get the question correct, you will get a shoutout! Ciao!

Happy 1st Day of Spring!!!!

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!! :DDD  YAY!  Okay.  I've decided that I will post about RIMs, too, because it seems that I am not posting enough.  :)Sorry for the extremely short post!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Hello jammers.
As many of you have probably noticed, AJHQ is basically a group of non-helpful robots.
I mean, when you send them a letter, all you get is like an automated response.
Once, I sent them an email concerning Mighty Squad(for anyone who doesn't know who Might Squad is, they are a hacking group), and they sent me something that was like, "Don't show anyone your password, and you won't get hacked!"
I mean, really.
I wouldn't show anyone my password anyway.
Once, this girl was in the Pillow Room wanting to get adopted.
I was looking for someone to adopt me too (I don't do this anymore because it gets annoying -_-), so I became her sister.
We went to my den, and she said that she had to go to the hospital in real life.
Then, her "sister" came on.
She said that the girl that was on before was in the hospital because she was "dying of cancer". 
She proceeded to ask me for my password because her "sister" would be happy to play on a member account.
Are you ready for the most ridiculous part?
 I don't think you are.
I said no, and she threw a total fit. 
She said her sister died because of me.
I highly doubt that you would be on your computer, playing Animal Jam, when your sister was in the hospital.
Would YOU?!?!?!
Do you think that this girl was lying.....
Okay anyway...
Back to AJHQ.
I can't stand it.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy Pi Day!

Hey jammers!
Today I shall talk about Pi Day!
Here is an explanatory little article
Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (3/14 in the month/day date format) since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π.[2][3] In 2009, the United States House of Representatives supported the designation of Pi Day.[4]
Pi Approximation Day is observed on July 22 (22/7 in the day/month date format), since the fraction 227 is a common approximation of π, which is accurate to two decimal places and dates from Archimedes (Wikipedia, 2016,  This has nothing to do with Pi Day, but what's your favorite pie?  Mine's pumpkin. :)  Ciao!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Rare" People and Mailtime video Rant

Hey Jammers!   Today, I shall rant about "rare" people.  It really just bothers me how they go into Jamaa Township and basically advertise themselves.  They are BRAGGERS!  Don't get me wrong, I really don't mind people saying, "Please trade me!" I just don't like it when people say, "Hey trade me!  I have a headdress on trade"  and when you trade them, they decline everything.  Why ask us to trade you when you decline EVERYTHING?  Just so you can showcase your items??!?!!? ARGH! 

          I will calm down and talk about mailtime videos now.   I understand that you make videos, and that people like to be in them, but BEGGING people to send you rares to be in a video.. it's just wrong.  If you want rares, work hard like the rest of us instead of begging.  On more than one occasion, I have had my "buddies" beg me for items in a Jam A Gram.  But that's not important.  Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that if you expect people to give you rares that they have worked really hard on getting, that's just sad.  THEY WORKED HARD FOR THOSE AND YOU ARE TAKING THEM AWAY FROM THESE INNOCENT JAMMERS!  AND WHAT THEY GET IN RETURN IS EVEN WORSE!  THEY GET TO BE IN A VIDEO THAT PEOPLE ARE BARELY GOING TO SEE!  AND IF THEY DO SEE, IT WILL ONLY BE ONCE!  LIKE PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE THESE INNOCENT JAMMERS FOR GIVING YOU "SPIKE COLLARS"! 
You are basically the only one benefitting from these "mailtime" videos.  It makes me sick.
Anyway, Jam On!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Den Door Rant

Sorry I haven't been posting much.  I am sometimes too lazy to :P
Anyways, today I thought I would rant about den doors.
I can't stand it when the doorway is straight, but none of the real doors are!
The real doors that open and close are always sideways or something!
Why?  Why must we have crooked doors and straight doorways, AJ?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sick of It!

Hello everyone!  I decided to make my first skit.  I hope you enjoy it!

 Later, at Enchanted's house.....
She is saying, "Umm... We.. we were supposed to do a project together..?" (Sorry for the horrible graphics.. :) )
"UGH!  Right."
 The next day, Enchanted and Princess got a B+ on their project.  Princess is used to C+ or D, but Enchanted is used to A+.  Princess is actually upset because they ended up using blue, not pink. 
Later..... in gym class......
"I pick... Rosy.  Cuz Enchanted isn't good enough for MY team!"


 :D  Yay! 