
You are the only one of you, so be the best you you can be.

You are needed in this world. We were all put here for a reason.

Remember that fear itself is by far the scariest thing in this world.

Life can be hard, but you're still here, aren't you?

Animal Jam Blur- Showing You the Things You Need to Know About Animal Jam in a Blur since 2016!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Plushie of DOOOOOOM!

Hi jammers.  Today, a creepy plushie showed up in my den.  It was not in my inventory, but I could move it around.
 Me, in confusion.
 My plushie inventory
My plushie inventory 2 

I left my den, and when I came back, IT WAS NOT THERE
Okay byez!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Scam and RIM!

Hey guys!  Today, I found a scammer in Jamaa.  She was saying, "GIFT ME MIGHT GET A HD!".  She did not have *an HD on her trade list, and she said that she "NEVER, NEVER" wore it.  She also claimed that she couldn't trade, so she couldn't put it on her trade list.  People like this make me sick. Ugh.
Here is a picture of her.
Preciousella. >:(
Anyways, the RIM is the Rare Binoculars.  

Sorry for the short post and not posting for awhile, but I will be back on track soon!  I promise!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sloths Are Here!

Hi everyone!  Sloths are here!  I think that they are pretty adorable, but a little creepy.

Anyways, the Jamaa Journal is kinda boring today.
 Yay Sloths!
 Okay.. so you can get reindeer and stuff...
 Does anyone really play Graham's Workshop anymore?
 Wait.. kangaroos were gone?
 Brain food..
This wasn't the best update in my opinion.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Hey guys!  Sorry for not posting in 3 days.  Anyways... 
MY MOM SAID THAT I CAN GET ANOTHER MEMBERSHIP!  But maybe not today.  Just because this other game that I was playing (Jumpstart) that I had a membership on might not be cancelled.  I might not post until that happens, but, if I don't, I won't be gone long!  Also, I might post anyway.  I might get my membership today.  Just keep that in mind!  I WILL post again for sure, just maybe less frequently until I get my membership.  :)  I know it seems that I leave a lot, but it's hard to post with summer camps and stuff.  Just remember what I said before!
Oh, also, I might post today.
About new items and stuff.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

2 SCAMS?!?!?

Hi Jammers!  Yes, I know that there is a scam page for this blog, but today I found 2 SCAMMERS at the exact same time in the exact same place!
 Okay, so I'm not sure what the necklace to spike challenge is, but it sounds like you trade someone a spike for their necklace and they have to decline.  I know that with the new trade system it would be harder to scam this way, but what if this person accepted and then the other person accidentally accepted too?!?!  They had a necklace on their trade list, and people were trading them, but I just wanted to warn you about this.  I wouldn't recommend trading a spiked collar for a necklace.
 So then there was this person.  Really.  This is obviously something that I would call peer pressure.  What if you didn't trade them?  Are you automatically a mean, rude jammer?  NO!  This is the part that really bugs me.  MIGHT SAY YES?  COME ON!!!  YOU ARE PRACTICALLY BEGGING PEOPLE TO TRADE YOU, AND YOU SAY MIGHT SAY YES?!?!?!??  I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS!!  SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME PLEASE!!!1!1!!!!!!1!!!!!one!!!1
Also, may I correct their grammar?
After I got these pictures, this happened.
We also have a new item.
It's so cute!!

It looks like the frog is puking out the pig's ears!
How cute!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Dedication to: The Bright Idea Hat

Hi, Jammers!  I decided to do a thing on Wednesdays where I dedicate a post to a certain item.  Todays dedication is to the Bright Idea Hat.

I LOVE this hat!

I think that it was a really good IDEA!  No?  Okee.

Sadly, it is for members only.

Seriously AJHQ, at least try to make more items for NMS!
Thanks for the pigs and all, but you could add a few more things other than about 6 animals and 14 clothing items!*

Okay, bye!

Monday, July 11, 2016


Hey Jammers!  Today's RIM is....
the Rare Parasol!
I'm not sure where it is, but it look pretty cute!  :)
Anyways... I tried to make a masterpiece to show you, but the screen keeps BLACKING OUT (ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!)
Luckily, I COULD create a masterpiece on Paint, too. 


Okay, CIAO! 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Thanks, Guys!

So remember this post?
I just wanted to note all the wonderful people who commented on this, encouraging me to keep the blog. :)
Here are the comments.
 Thank you so much!
 Aww! that's so sweet!
Very encouraging and inspirational.

So, I would like to give a shoutout to...

Anonymous, for their kind words.

Nafaria, for her inspiration.

And Cuddly6342 for her encouragement.

All of them are so sweet.  Thank you guys!!!

Entering the World of Jamaa... Again...

Hey, Jammers!
I have entered Jamaa again, and I got the newspaper!  Here it is.
 P. 1
Awww!  The pet goats look so cute!
I've been to the Monkeys Only Party, and it was okay from my point of view. 
 Ooh. A sale.  I wonder what's going on with all of these sales?
I would definitely take advantage of this sale if it was for NMs.
 YAYYY!!! Sloths!  I hope they are for NMs!!!
lol we all know they won't be, unless they are like the blessing of the pigs....  You know, AJHQ could make lots of  animals for NMs, but they don't because they think the NMs are dirt or something.  I understand that Members help you make money, but jeez AJHQ.. You could at least add a few more diamond NM animals..  Wow this is a lot of tiny text... :o
Oh dear.  Cheetahs are "traveling". 
They ESCAPED from this horrid land of scams and hacks!  RUN CHEETAHS!  RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
Oh!  I also took a picture of my *new den to show you all!

Jam on!
*New as in I just decorated it... :)))

Hello again :P

Hi jammers!
I just wanted to note that we have over 1,000 pageviews!!
I know that I have dropped this blog and all, but I am thinking of starting it back up as a nonmember in Jamaa!
What do you guys think?
If  people say yes (and probably if they say no, too) I will start this blog up again! :)