
You are the only one of you, so be the best you you can be.

You are needed in this world. We were all put here for a reason.

Remember that fear itself is by far the scariest thing in this world.

Life can be hard, but you're still here, aren't you?

Animal Jam Blur- Showing You the Things You Need to Know About Animal Jam in a Blur since 2016!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

!!The Fall Update!!

Hello Jammers!
I know that I keep saying that I will get back on track and I will, but I am just starting the blog up again slowly.  I feel really bad because I haven't been posting at all, but I just want to thank all the supportive jammers who stuck with this blog. Okay, anyways, a few days ago, the fall update came! YAY!
 The turkeys are honestly so cute. I love them so much!!
 I tried this adventure and it was VERY FRUSTRATING OMG
 I think that these bottles are like some warning sign for, like, maybe a new event called "The Phantom Take Over". It would be kind of like Night of the Phantoms, but less Halloweeny and maybe creepier. Like stuff would be covered in goo or something and there would be new adventures. Maybe I'm wrong. My imagination is pretty wild... lol
 Hmm... I wonder what toucans would look like?  I hope they are for nm's. We all know they won't be... sadly..
 Goats are actually one of my favorite animals in AJ. They are so cute! 
 Here is a selfie that I took of my animal X3
 Here is another selfie  lol
Now, children, I shall tell you the sad tale of yet another scammer that I found.
In Jamaa Township.
Okay, so I was minding my own business when all of a sudden, this lady just walks to the bridge and starts saying, "trade me whoever does the best trade wins black spike and worn!". May I just say, child, you need to learn what run on sentences are. 
Anyways, another group of jammers and I confronted her. We all were saying, "Don't trust her!". I was telling everyone that I had been scammed that way and to not believe her.  
Sadly, one fox did.
They didn't lose anything, thank goodness. I am just warning you all about these awful people. 
You may be thinking, "Why did you think they are a scammer though?" Well, I assumed so because they were saying you have to accept the second trade as well as the first.  Then, they said they would trade you back the worn and the spike. The spike was a non rare diamond shop one, and the worn was the light blue "rare worn blanket" one.  This particular jammer's username was imsocool226.  Imsocool also tried to take a New Jammer's straw hat from them, according to NJ.  

Okay. To be honest, THIS NEEDS TO STOP. NOW.  Who would be so pathetic and have such a low life that they would try to take PIXELS from CHILDREN? I hope that none of you guys have had to go through this. I really need a name to call you guys. Give me ideas in the comments! Whoever's idea wins will get a special prize!
The prize will be one of these colors of glitchy rugs of the winner's choice:

Just say your idea, which color rug you want, and your username so I can send it to you or trade it to you.
I will also make a poll for those of you who don't want your username in the comments.
Thanks guys!

Monday, October 31, 2016

HAPPY HALLOWEEN (Night of the Phantoms)!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!eleven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Jammers! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!  I am super excited! I had a HORRIBLE day at school, but I am now very excited to go see all the costumes and get all the candy! Anyway, now that is all passed.  There are really no major updates in Jamaa, but there is a Rare Item Monday!
Tell me what you are going to be for Halloween in the comments!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

I'm Back! (Again)

Hi Jammers! It's me. AuroraNight! Yeah, I know. I haven't posted in, like, forever. I am mad at myself >:(
Anyways, I know I have a scam page, but I think I will put this one in that page later. Okay, so I was in Jamaa Township and I saw someone saying this. 
 Translation: Gift me ice tail and I'll gift you one million rare spikes!
Hmm... His animal name is "Perfect Perfectswag".
It looks like he has all of the ice armor except for the tail. 
I highly doubt that he would gift you 1 million rare spikes....
This was a pretty pathetic attempt at a scam. lol
I reported him for scamming. 
Bye!! I will srsly try to post more often.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

A few odd things.... :')

 Heyo Jammers
 Welcome to
Sunday Stuff is a new thingy that I will post on every Sunday!  I will get onto AJ, go to Jamaa, and find fabulous, odd, or just plain random stuff!
This last one is actually pretty interesting.  As many of you have probably already heard, Zero is supposedly the new fman122, but when I search the username zero, this shows up. You can read more about it on this post on the Animal Jam Whip.  
The sloth saying "MUST GO EAT MORE SOULS NOW" is actually me. My friend and I were going into Jamaa and "taking it over" with our sloths.  Lots of people joined us, and they were all so fabulous. 
One of our "followers"
she is so fabulous

Yeah so anyways, that was fun..
My friend and I were actually pretty successful, until we both got bored.
Okay yeah so I would highly recommend trying to take over Jamaa in your free time. :)


Saturday, September 24, 2016


Hullo jammers!!!
I am honestly so sorry that I have not been posting since that nasty scam.
That really threw me off.
I kinda felt like quitting
I won't let that stupid scammer get the best of me.
You guys, I am still getting over it.
Lemmurs have come (if you are reading this please note that lemurs on this blog are known as lemmurs.) to Jamaa! Yey! 
Also you can like masterpieces
And there is a new adventure called the Front Lines
So other than that
There is an account called yo that is a nonmember and has two member animals
Search him if you don't believe me.
Okay I think we are all caught up.
I will try super hard to post more, ok?
I am just super busy with school now. I am going to a new one and it has given me lots of hassle over the weeks. 
Oops lol

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Scammed for the First Time

Okay. I know that I haven't been posting in a long time, and Im sorry.
I was scammed for the 1st time today. I had just got my FIRST SPIKED COLLAR and I was so happy.  There was someone named overpowered8 and they were doing a giveaway. I went and they said best trade wins
Not the last time. 
My Jamaaliday Scarf, gone.
My Feathered Mask, gone.
A bunch of other stuff, gone.
I am so upset.
I understand now how this can be really hard.
I'm not gonna ask for any of the items back or anything, I'm just telling you. Don't trust anyone. Just don't.
I can't believe I fell for it. 
I feel so stupid.
I don't want anymore rares.
I want scammers to STOP SCAMMING.
Just stop.
It's not cool, it's not fun, and it's really rude.
I worked so hard for those items.
Well, bye.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Plushie of DOOOOOOM!

Hi jammers.  Today, a creepy plushie showed up in my den.  It was not in my inventory, but I could move it around.
 Me, in confusion.
 My plushie inventory
My plushie inventory 2 

I left my den, and when I came back, IT WAS NOT THERE
Okay byez!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Scam and RIM!

Hey guys!  Today, I found a scammer in Jamaa.  She was saying, "GIFT ME MIGHT GET A HD!".  She did not have *an HD on her trade list, and she said that she "NEVER, NEVER" wore it.  She also claimed that she couldn't trade, so she couldn't put it on her trade list.  People like this make me sick. Ugh.
Here is a picture of her.
Preciousella. >:(
Anyways, the RIM is the Rare Binoculars.  

Sorry for the short post and not posting for awhile, but I will be back on track soon!  I promise!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sloths Are Here!

Hi everyone!  Sloths are here!  I think that they are pretty adorable, but a little creepy.

Anyways, the Jamaa Journal is kinda boring today.
 Yay Sloths!
 Okay.. so you can get reindeer and stuff...
 Does anyone really play Graham's Workshop anymore?
 Wait.. kangaroos were gone?
 Brain food..
This wasn't the best update in my opinion.