
You are the only one of you, so be the best you you can be.

You are needed in this world. We were all put here for a reason.

Remember that fear itself is by far the scariest thing in this world.

Life can be hard, but you're still here, aren't you?

Animal Jam Blur- Showing You the Things You Need to Know About Animal Jam in a Blur since 2016!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Sorry, Once Again

Okay.  This is my official goodbye.  I haven't been posting, as I promised that I would.  I apologize.  Let me just say something before I go.

My blog is so small compared to Animal Jam Whip, or Animal Jam Flash.  Barely anyone even views this blog, and no one even came to the 650 views party, so I kind of felt.... out of place.  I figured, what's the point?  I still don't see any.  Like I said before, no one visits this blog, and I think I kind of tricked myself into thinking that people did.  Everyone else makes it seem so easy to make interesting posts that make you laugh, but that just never came to me.  If people would view this more, I could turn it into a life blog of some sort, if you want.  I shall make a poll.. :)
So, goodbye for now, Jammers!