
You are the only one of you, so be the best you you can be.

You are needed in this world. We were all put here for a reason.

Remember that fear itself is by far the scariest thing in this world.

Life can be hard, but you're still here, aren't you?

Animal Jam Blur- Showing You the Things You Need to Know About Animal Jam in a Blur since 2016!

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Hey everyone!  This shall be my first rant post!  Yay XD!

                            Okay, so why do nonmembers get, like, maybe 10 items in Jam Mart Clothing?!?!   Heck, they can't even get most of the RIMs!  It's ridiculous.  I am sick and tired of AJ treating nonmembers like dirt!  They are human beings, too and they are just as equal as members!  Right?  Or, just because members pay, they are better?  THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Seriously, don't you want everyone to have fun on this game?  Isn't AJ supposed to be a welcoming place?  For both members and nonmembers?
                                                           Note that I used the nonmember one XD
It's just really annoying how nonmembers have to go through that!  OHHHHH!  What really bugs me is when members are all like, "OMG AJ IS SUUU UNFUR!!!!!!!!1!11!!!!! IM QUITIN AN NO WUN STAHPIN ME!!!  CUZ IM A WHINY THING THAT WANTS ATTENTION!!!111111111!!!!!!!! o,o     Okay.  Sorry if that offended anyone, it just really makes me mad. -takes 10 deep breaths-  Okay, bye Jammers!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Does this make you mad, too? I was literally like hitting the keyboard when I was typing this post. XD

  3. Hi aurora,
    I agree that it would be nice to give better access to cool items to non members. That being said, members pay to have better access and I think it is important to reserve the best items for members only. It would not be fair nor profitable for AJ to open up access completely to non members. After all, would you want to be a member if you could get the cool stuff without membership?
    Keep writing these thoughtful blogs. 😉

    1. I think that you are partially right, but I don't think that you fully understand what I am saying. I meant that, if nonmembers had more items available to them, that would be a lot better. I didn't mean that they would get everything in stores.

  4. That sounds right. More available stuff for non members would be good. Some of that old stuff is kinda boring 😕

  5. Does anyone here play Club Penguin? If you don't, you should try it. I literally think nonmembers there get like, nothing. So compare nonmembers in CP to nonmembers in AJ. When you think about it, nonmembers in AJ get so much more items then CP.
    P.S. My user in AJ is Cookie0417 and in CP my user is Waddles0417.


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